Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let me Just Tell You - The Key Art and the Reviews for Transformers: ROTF are Just Terrible

I knew it was inevitable....you can't have a good thing for too long. I was very cautious about the first Transformers movie, believing that it would totally rape my childhood memories of how awesome the enterprise was. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the technical expertise and the vision of the film. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen holds no pause.....well not by judging from the reviews below. Every single one of the posters is shitty as hell by the way!!!

"If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination." - Roger Ebert - Chicago Sun Times

"Big, loud and definitely not clever, it's a giant, lumbering idiot of a movie that, were it not for all the explosions, would send the most devoted action fans to sleep." - David Edwards - Daily Mirror UK

"The first, comparatively lucid Transformers was a headache, but I sort of enjoyed it....Revenge of the Fallen is more like listening to rocks in a clothes dryer for 2½ hours." - Michael Phillips - Chicago Tribune

"Bigger, louder and more annoying, this won't disappoint fans of the first film, but the deficiencies in script and character are even more apparent this time round and Bay's contempt for his audience is almost palpable." - Matthew Turner - ViewLondon

"There is nothing - nothing - in Bay's film that can be taken seriously - although that becomes something of a problem in itself, given Bay's relentless exploitation of imagery from 9/11 and the Second Gulf War..." - Anton Bitel - Eye for Film

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