Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Flutter" Is the Next Big Thing in Social Media (Sarcasm this Way)

Friendster, Linked-in, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and Now Flutter. The social media tree has extended its branches hard and fast into all wakes of society connecting the branches through the synapses of mother boards and micro processors. This media, has thus ushered in a new form of modern day "networking" allowing individuals to peer into the daily going ons of peers and colleagues. Its embrace and platform of technology has inevitably signposted the dawn of the future and through blackberrys and Iphones we are never at a loss for our fix, but people can we just write a letter and put it in the fucking mail already.

I will have to admit, there are a lot of advantages to the social media platform. For one, its brilliantly impersonal allowing you to feel "connected" to friends and family in a way that is shamelessly delusional. Two, its subconsciously conditions you to interpret small non consequential activities into events and/or annotations. Three, It conditions the user to interpret their existence as being central to the operation of the network. Four, it allows all users to cross pollinate information in an antiseptic, controlled oligarchy.

This is why I am forgoing all other social platforms as of today - that means no more facebook, myspace, or blogging - and I am concentrating my efforts fully on Flutter. Nano blogging is clearly where its at and through evolution, this is where the trend will surely lead as people don't have the time to read and speak in full sentences anymore. We live in the day an age where we want our news hot and fresh NOW, pause and it becomes irrelevant within a nano second. The same goes for those analog and laborious Facebook and Twitter fields where you write how you feel. The minute you post it, its obsolete. So with Flutter, you can flap only 26 characters - ideal for individuals who want their information boiled down into fragmented, but factual characteristics. I imagine a day where we won't even have to type out our feelings on social media sites. You will just be hooked up to a microphone that you murmur into and it will translate your feelings into Aramaic flaps

Pretty soon, the social media phenomenon will fully be integrated into everyday life allowing you to live a conflict free existence. No more confrontation, no more anxiety, just the comfort of your PC and your monitor, or your phone and touchpad, or your screen and touchkeys. Its just that simple. I foresee a "new" social media where a physical presence to operate and execute is irrelevant as it will allow you to project a hologram of yourself to important events or multiple events at the same time ridding your life of the constraints of time and physics.

Ohh, I can't wait for "Shutter" - watch the video above, you will see. The future is imminent.

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