Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Legacy Remembered: An Now the Media Influx - Michael Jackson 1958-2009

It's no doubt that Michael Jackson is the Premiere Entertainer of any time, however, in remembrance of this legacy I hope that his life achievements are not overshadowed by the tumultuous turn his career took with the infamous 1993 case. I'm still kinda in shock over the whole thing because as with any icon who you fondly remember from your childhood passing....its a huge reminder of our own mortality. However, there is a lot to celebrate as even though this man became a recluse in recent years, his catalogue is filled with hit after hit after hit of chart topping masterpieces that I'm sure everyone has a different sentiment about. I remember going through my parents old 45's and peeping out J5 hits like "I wanna be where you are" on the phonograph or watching the infamous Mowtown 25 special in which he did the moonwalk while performing "Billy Jean."

I remember the sense of awe and wonder at watching this man perform is ass off and how inspiring it all was because it sent a strong message that you can truly create magic through determination and hard work. Undoubtedly, this man has touched a lot of peoples spirits and its just a shame that he was called home in the midst of his comeback tour in London. At 50, I would say that MJ was still rather young or at least young at heart, but what really saddens me bout the whole ordeal is that MJ more so than any other teen pop idol today is really the archetype for a life and spirit absorbed and completely spit out by fame. I really don't get why so many people want to be famous when its obvious just how people get turned out by fame. MJ is no exception as his transformation seem to be less about conforming to the show biz model of what an "artist" is supposed to be to be sellable and more about the physical execution of self hatred.

Every artist has their demons, but until MJ we had never seen a performer that seemed to be at war with their very own essence. Its simply sad that a more anglo inspired appearance is what MJ felt would make him feel at peace with the world. However, what would be even more disheartening is if his legacy gets marred in the more eccentric exclamation points of his life. Frankly, there will never be an entertainer to perform on a stage quite like MJ and sadly, music will never return to this organic plateau of expression that was his bread and butter.

We have all made jokes at the guys expense and even amongst hearing early word of his passing.....the jokes went soaring....but what's universal, what's communal is that we are all linked by this single performer. It is no doubt that all news outlets will cover every angle of his story ad nauseam equipped with sound bites from Letoya and Jermaine and Marlon and fans screaming and crying. Its no doubt that thriller will once again hit the top 10 as everyone rushes out to buy MJ memorabilia. But in the midst of this all, remember that at the root of it is a troubled soul that unfortunately, none of us will probably know in its human form. All we know of MJ is as a performer and I have always believed that, behind closed doors, this man probably loved sipping on a Strongbow, with one hand down his pants, playing dominoes and cursing like a sailor. If so and if those around him got to see that then its a beautiful thing.

Either way, you can't knock this man's brilliance and you cannot deny his genius. His music will live on in infamy and our great grandchildren will get the pleasure of hearing music as it was when you could still consider it to be music.

To this day, "Off the Wall" is still one of my favorite tracks of all time. And as I write this "I wanna be where you are" is quietly playing in the back of my head reminding me that his passing is in no way a sad event for me. Not in a sense of mourning at least as his spirit is spread across countless tracks and his thumbprint on the backs of millions of individuals. I know that I have yet to fully process just how his passing will affect society and the music industry in general....especially when the new cats seems to be trading off every week on emulating him. But what can be said is that his life has touched the world and that he was inevitably taken too soon. MJ, the world will not be the same without you - batshit crazy or not.

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