Monday, June 29, 2009

Good Ole Pappa Joe

I'm lucky I didn't watch the BET awards in their entirety. 3 plus hours of absolute fuckery and ignorance wrapped completely in song and dance. Its bad enough that awards shows are pretty much obsolete, but this awards show hold special significance in that people are on their grind hardcore promoting, cheesing hard, and otherwise looking like the rent is due while hamming it up for the cameras. Its great that everyone wanted to pay their respects to the great MJ, but did EVERYONE have to have a special moment like they were saying something different than the person did 13 seconds before. And Pappa Joe, I didn't see the pre-interview garbage, but I missed the gold mine with the interview above. Something about this should really raise some red flags, but I tried to chalk it up to old age and confusion. Maybe for all we know, he was giving several interviews at once and the CNN dude just looked too casual and too keen on having his "Barbara Walters" moment so maybe Joe was a bit irritated by that which is understandable. But the punctuated "Aaannnnddd!!!" was the first bit of wtf, followed by the constant back turning, the publicist talking, the lawyer, the introduction of the business partner, and the announcement that Pappa joe will be launching a record label. I mean, I'm not expert, but it just didn't seem like the appropriate time to discuss your other business ventures. Also, the very fact that Pappa Joe was at the awards for their entire duration acting as if he was 30 years younger was also a little unsettling as we have Janet's emotional state as a marker for how the news is affecting the family. Say what you will about Papa Joe, and I will, but my heart sank with this one as I realized that something in the milk and in the family aint clean......still! RIP MJ for you are surely in a much better place.

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