Thursday, April 30, 2009

An Open Letter to Keri Hilson

"Control Me" [In A Perfect World Deleted Track]
==> LISTEN/DL <==

Dear Keri Hilson

Two years ago when you popped up on the excellent and slept on "Timbaland Presents Shock Value" I was eagerly awaiting your dawn as a brave new voice in music. Your vocal contributions on "Scream" "The Way I Are" and "Miscommunication" alone had me on the net, staning for you and your projects. Two years later, ohh how the tides turn as "In A Perfect World" was probably one of the most boring and uneventful releases of the year (well aside from Ciara and Crickets releases) .

What were you thinking Ms. Hilson. Starting fake beef with artist you supposedly write for and then retracting when you ignorance garnered a little buzz. When you have to name drop all the artist you write for cause nobody is really interested in you as an artist, all that you are really bragging about is how much money you are making off of their publishing. Please stick to writing Ms. Hilson as your handlers and managment don't seem to know what to do with you anyhow. How exactly are you different from the 62 other females vying to get into your lane. Your look and voice do nothing to diffrenciate you, your songs or writing credits do nothing to give you credibility. Why oh Why did they leave the only good track you have "Control Me" off your album? Now this is the vapid pop music you should be singing. Did you even read the lyrics...ohh yeah, you probably wrote this masterpiece too.

I'll be your entertainment tonight
I show you what ever it is you like
Just sit back and enjoy the show
And kick your feet up boy here we go
I need all of your attention
You can admire *my* dimension
*Been working* on my definition for you
Tonight there is only one thing for you to do

Remote control me
Push the buttons to turn me on please
Pick me up, put me on the wall please
Just plug in the wire
Make my volume higher higher

*Be my* remote control

*Don't adjust the station it is just right*
*Name all your favorites I'll be that tonight*
*Espn ain't nothing compared to this*
*Think you've seen action nothing is like this*
Now I've got all of your attention
You can touch on all my dimension
*Been working* on my definition for you
Tonight I'm a the only thing for you to do

Remote control me
Push the buttons to turn me on please
Pick me up, put me on the wall please
Just plug in the wire
Make my volume higher higher

Be my remote control

Ohhh feels like a fur
The pictures are clear
You wanna put it on pause
Remote control me
Nothing like a late night
Flick to keep you *enticed*
You wanna see it again
Remote control me

Remote control me
Push the buttons to turn me on please
Pick me up, put me on the wall please
Just plug in the wire
Make my volume higher higher

Be my remote control
How about we put you on mute and stick you in the corner for a while. But speaking of control, why don't you continue to be a role model for young girls all over the world and sell yourself as a walking talking blow up doll. If there is anyone who could have probably navigated your non-existent career it would have been Timbaland. Why that collaboration never panned out is a bit of miscommuication I would love to hear. Your music...not so much.

Cricket Michele's Boring Ass Album Leaked

So whoever this broad is has graced us with yet another aluminum charting album that will soon be forgotten. If you can even remember, Chrisette Michelle first came on the scene with her single "Like A Dream" and then album "As I Am" that soon became siding for the Home Depot Center in Carson. Her sophomore flop "Epiphany" is a 12 track gem that I listened to yesterday and couldn't even recall one track. Her signature throwback bluesy "Billy Holiday" esque nasal squeaks have been done to death and better a thousand times over. If you care, her album drops on May 5 or now all over the internet. But if you ask me, the real ephiphany should have been that nobody wants to listen to music by a fake coquettish chanteause who looks like Bob's Big Boy (picture below for reference).

Avators Cursing and Posing as Celebrities Part 2: Keri Hilson

Food Inc. Looks Good Enough To Eat

How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets and serve to our families?

In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, insecticide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of e coli--the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.

Featuring interviews with such experts as Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farm's Gary Hirshberg and Polyface Farms' Joel Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising -- and often shocking truths -- about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Saying No to Phillip Morris and Saying Goodbye to your Addictions

May 4th marks the 4 month anniversary of my freedom from Phillip Morris and I would have to say that the road has been long and hard, but man was it worth it. Phillip Morris ruled over my life for a good 8 or 9 years until I had to decide for me and myself alone that my health and my future was more important than whatever instant gratification this product gave me.

I actually picked a good time to quit. Right before the big tax hike and right before the shit hit the fan with the whole economic crisis. Although I had friends who tried a variety of different methods (prescriptions, the patch, gums) I chose the tried and true method of cold turkey. Why cold turkey, well for me, I had to look at Phillip Morris as a corporate entity that was vying for control of my life. And not just control, but the decisive outcome of my life if I chose to stay on the caboose and drink the Kool-aide. But then again, before my awakening, you couldn't really tell me nothing. For I had convinced myself that Phillip Morris played a beneficial role in my life in the key department of stress relief. What would I do to keep from poppin off on folks? What would I do after breakfast, lunch, and dinner without my trusted friends? What would I do on the car ride to and from work and on breaks? What would I do in social setting? As you can see, the net was cast wide and hard and I eventually reached a point where I had had enough of my life and activities being dictated to me by my addiction.

Even now, I see people relying on Phillip Morris to get them through the hard times, but I must say that this is an absolute trick. The prestige, is really that it's the product istelf that is causing the pyschological angst rather than the preceived forces around it. I thought that when I went out on breaks, that I was alleviating the problem, but upon analysis, what I unearthed is that all I was doing was setting myself up for the hard fall.

So what is the hard fall. The LIE. The lie I told myeslf to justify my actions...the lie I engaged in whe I had to run to the bathroom or pop a mint every five secons to cover up the addiciton. Truthfully, I spent a great deal of time and effort in minimizing the offensiveness of my addiction until I realized that its time and energy that could be best spend on enjoying my life.

You could really insert whatever your addiction in for Phillip Morris and the rules will still be the same. It will still be a force that dictates your actions until you understand the network and the system you have trapped yourself in and understand that the only way out is to say "No". I learned that it wasn't really about denying myself one thing so much as granting myself the will and ability to obtain the other. And I had to understand that the results wouldn't happen overnight. Many of our basis addictions are pychological and the only way to break the chain is to understand the pychology behind it. To think outside of ourselves and our desires and see and evaluate, from the outside perspective, exactly how many areas of your life are affected by your addiction.

To say "No" is to be born again and awake from the slumber. The problem is that so many folks have no idea that they are sleeping. That is, until they hit the end of the road and their choices have led them to no end but the inevitably one. Every day and every minute is about choice and its time to stand proud with your picket sign in boycott of the forces designed to take over your mind. For if your mind is gone and you eliminate freedom and choice, then your slumber will be eternal, your awakening in vain and Phillip Morris will be right there to give your family its patriotic flag, statistic sheet, and offer for a free pack with purchase of a box of Kleenix to get them through the tough times.

Are You Saving Enough!!!!: Tips for Saving Money in Tough Economic Times

by Matt Chang - Articles - Inc.

Last month, we had one of our largest rise in unemployment claims since 1982. No doubt we are in a recession, and money is tight. Now is the time to get pro-active and start saving as much money as you can. This way, you can create an emergency fund to cushion you and your family during difficult times. Here are 7 simple ways to save money in a recession.

The first thing you should consider doing. Do all of your errands on one day. If possible, save your errands (shopping, paying bills, visiting the post office, etc) in one day. This will help you save gas by getting everything accomplished while you're out rather than making several trips a week to the same area for different things. The more efficient the better off you'll be.

Stay in and watch videos. Rather than going to the movies, order a Pay-Per-View movie through your cable or satellite company. You'll be at home, so you'll have your own snacks already, you'll avoid paying $5 for a small drink and you'll save gas by staying home.

Consider private label products. Purchase of brand items at the grocery store. Most of the time, the products are exactly the same and when you buy the more expensive brand, you're paying for the name only. You can literally save hundreds of dollars each year by purchasing off brand products.

Time to get thrifty. Search for clothing at local thrift stores and garage sales. This is an especially great idea if you have young children. They grow so quickly that there's not much sense in purchasing expensive clothing that they will only be able to wear for a few months. You can often find brand new or gently used and brand name clothing at thrift stores and garage sales.

Minimize the postage. Pay your bills online to save stamps and money on envelopes. While this doesn't seem like a lot of money saved, it definitely adds up. Another advantage of paying your bills online is that it's eco-friendly. It's also secure, so you don't have to worry about your personal information getting out.

If you're expecting a new baby (or already have a small child), try to get items for your baby through friends and family members. Most people know someone who has a child quickly outgrowing clothing, shoes, baby bathtubs, toys, etc. If you can't get the items free, offer to pay a fair amount - you can still save a lot of money by doing it this way rather than buying the items brand new.

Get your scissors out and use them. Use coupons. A lot of people think that clipping coupons is really irritating and time consuming, but you can save thousands of dollars each year by using coupons. Another tip is to save your coupons for double or triple coupon day at your local grocery store. You can really save a lot of money with this trick.

Taking these steps can make a huge difference in your wallet, and your happiness. Take the time to plan your savings. You'll find that you don't have to suffer in order to enjoy some of the benefits of thrift.

EP's Tips for Saving Money

1. Take advantage of net services such as Netflix instead of going to Blockbuster. Yes, you have to wait a couple of days for the dvd's to come, but you will be saving a ton of gas and money with DVD's being $5 a pop.

2. Take advantage of your local public library. Want to read a good book, watch a DVD, listen to some music, read a magazine. Its all free and its a one stop shop for entertainment.

3. Order the Entertainment Discount Book. Sorta along the same lines as the coupon thing, a coworker hipped me to this amazing book. The book is selling for $15 with free shipping and its filled with free tickets and great offers for fast food chains, dine in restaurants, entertainment venues, movie theaters, and on and on. Please copy and paste the link for more information.

4. Bring your lunch to work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, this sounds mad boring, but you would be surprised how much money you can save by brown bagging it. Working in Westwood, I can spend an upward of $10 on lunch alone. Just imagine how much dough you would be saving over time.

5. Create a budget for eating out. Eating a restaurants is one of my favorite things to do, but given the economy - who has the money to spend $20 on a meal that you could make at a fraction of the cost. Limit eating out to special occasions or on the weekend and invest that time and money into purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables and create your own creations. A quick walk through of a farmers market will have your senses tantalized and your imagination soaring.

A Note To all Deadbeat Fathers: Your Reality is Waiting For You

Qincy (pictured above) is the son of 90's recording artist Al B. Sure and if you can't see it from the photo above, their resemblance is uncanny. Quincy recently wrote a letter entitled "A Letter to My Father" in which he tried to reach out to his estranged pops to no avail. My niece and nephew grew up without their fathers and I believe it's had a tremendously adverse affect on their lives. I felt the need to post Quincy's final letter as a wake up call to all fathers that your legacy is awaiting you....whether you chose to stand up now or later is dependent on you...but please understand the life or lives you leave in the ruin.

"Hello World.

I published a “Letter To My Father” recently and the tremendous response deserves my sincere thanks. I’m overwhelmed by how many people took the time to read my letter and listen to my record. I received thousands of calls, texts, comments and e-mails. Thank you for your compassion, support, and understanding.

To those that share my experience, I thank you for your courage. Many of you shared with me your life-experiences without your fathers. I say to you “This is only a season,” one aspect of life. Take the lessons and let them make you stronger and wiser. Commit to never make the same mistake.

I realized I was taking a great personal risk to share my feelings. I thought that revealing this part of my life was necessary. It was an important part of a process to help me understand who I am. I released years of disappointment and pain. My healing has begun.

I haven’t heard from my Dad since I published my letter. I know that eventually our paths will cross in this journey called LIFE. As it has often been said, “Time heals all wounds.” Now it’s time to move on with my journey. A journey where my faith tells me that my father and I will be stronger. Dad, I love you.

Again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone that has shared in this life changing experience with me.

Thank You Again…"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Music Spotlight: Maxwell

Public Heath Spotlight: Swine Flu

From the BBC News

Swine flu: How serious a threat?

Spanish flu
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was caused by an H1N1 form of influenza A

With the UK confirming two cases of swine flu and the World Health Organization raising its alert level from three to four, how serious a threat does the disease pose to us all?

WHO says the virus, which has killed more than 150 people in Mexico, is showing a "sustained ability" to pass from human to human and is able to cause community-level outbreaks.

The UK's leading experts on flu give their views on what the future threat might be.


Clearly we are on track for a pandemic in the coming months.

The good news is that we were all worried about so-called bird flu H5N1 which was a much more dangerous virus. Here, we are not in the same ball park.

We might expect up to 30-40% of the population to become ill in the next six months if this truly turns into a pandemic
Professor Ferguson

But we can't at the moment answer the question is it comparable to 1918 Spanish flu which killed a lot of people is it much more like Hong Kong flu.

We are coming out of the normal time of year when we have flu circulating in the UK so we don't really know what size of epidemic there may be in the next couple of months.

It is almost certain that even if it does fade away in the next few weeks which it might we will get a sizable epidemic in the Autumn.

We might expect up to 30-40% of the population to become ill in the next six months if this truly turns into a pandemic.

We could get substantial numbers infected in the next few weeks. If I was to be a betting man I would say it would be a slightly longer period of time just because we are heading into the summer months.


A new strain of flu is something to which we do not have natural immunity, and we have not been vaccinated against, because there is not a vaccine, so it does mean that many more people are vulnerable and so it spreads more easily and affects more people.

But we don't know enough about this virus yet. It is being studied by the top laboratories in the world.

When we know more about it we will be able to give better predictions about who is at greater risk, and who is at risk of developing serious complications.

At this point the picture coming out of Mexico is rather confused, and we can't make any firm statements about what is likely to happen, but we have to prepare for all eventualities.


If the avian flu H5N1 virus had spread from human to human like this then I would be extremely worried. It would be top of my Richter scale.

But this swine flu worries me less because as a population we have a basic immunity to H1N1. Outside of Mexico there have been no deaths, so it doesn't seem so aggressive.

And not only are we coming up to the summer, which makes it less likely for these viruses to spread as well, but Britain has enough antiviral drugs for half of the population.

So we should not panic in any way. This does not look as though it is going to be a virus that sweeps the world and causes huge mortality.


I still think we are a day or so away from knowing what the threat is. WHO has gone to stage four, so we know there will be an epidemic stemming from direct contact with these cases in Mexico. We will see more cases.

But we will have to wait to see how it spreads to know if there will be a pandemic that sweeps nations.

The key thing is how lethal a virus is it. Outside of Mexico it has not caused any deaths, which is good news. And we are prepared for it.

We should have a complete picture in the next five to seven days to answer these questions.


There is no evidence of pandemic in Europe at this point in time but should the threat increase, the UK has a wealth of scientific and engineering expertise which can be deployed to ramp up the countermeasures necessary to protect the population at large.

Let's keep things in perspective. This is not 1918; and with over 30 million doses of antiviral treatments, effective against H1N1 available in the UK right now we are well placed to combat any outbreak.

We should also bear in mind that there are two flu-vaccine manufacturers in the UK (Novartis and Medimmune) and whilst there may be capacity issues, both companies are technically capable of producing appropriate vaccines.


It's a new virus - we've never before seen this combination of swine virus and human virus genes.

It's very difficult to make any predictions when it's not like any flu virus before.

If there are no more cases in the next couple of weeks then we can maybe say with reasonable confidence that we're out of the woods.

But the flu virus is a pretty awkward customer and you have to be very circumspect.

I don't think the public health authorities will be giving the all-clear for some time yet.


We have a very confusing picture coming out of Mexico.

We are not aware of how many people there are with mild infections out of Mexico. It may be that those few deaths represent just the tip of an iceberg which is a lot more much milder infections.

Therefore we feel that one should not be looking at Mexico and saying that is the pattern we will necessarily be following in Europe.

We do know from previous influenza viruses and previous pandemics that what you see at the start is not necessarily what you see six months, a year or two years later. Sometimes you get a second or third wave which is more vicious than the first.

As a region Europe, and particularly the European Union, is better prepared than any other part of the world.

Unfortunately you can never prepare well enough. We are beyond the stage of being able to contain the virus, we can only mitigate it and there is still more work to be done - and a cool summer would give us time to do some additional work.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rappers who went to College (and Graduated)

Don't believe what you hear and half of what you read (except on Sanspiracy...haha). Anyhow, so much hoopla is made out of rappers rap sheets and convictions that I decided to do some investigating and found a list of MC's who in fact went to collge and graduated. Rick Ross being a former Corrections Officer doesn't sound so out of the ordinary now.

Diddy, Howard Univ. (got a business AA/dropped out during radio communication)
Ice Cube, Phoenix Institute of Technology (architecture degree)
Ludacris, Georgia State University (radio communications degree)
Stat Quo, University of Florida (business degree)
David Banner, Southern University (poly sci/journalism degrees)
Paul Wall, University of Houston (international communications degree)
Talib Kweli, New York University (theatre/art degree)
Canibus, DeKalb Community College (computer science degree)
Chuck D, Adelphi University (graphic art degree)
Flava Flav, Adelphi University (radio communications/business degrees)
M-1 [dead prez], Florida Agricultural & Mech. University (poly sci/art degrees)
Stic.Man [dead prez], Florida Agricultural & Mech. University (poly sci/history degrees)
9th Wonder, North Carolina Central University (education degree)
Big Pooh, North Carolina Central University (education degree)
Phonte, North Carolina Central University (history degree)
Roxanne Shante, Cornell University (psychology PhD)
Sir Jinx, Phoenix Institute of Technology (architecture degree)
Young MC, University of Soutern California (economics degree)
Sage Francis, University of Rhode Island (journalism degree)
Benefit, Florida State University (jounalism master degree)

Also Rumored to have gone to college:
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
Kanye West
Rich Boy
Rick Ross

PS: After going through the list, there were a couple of folks I had to think of in a completely different light....Flava Flav being one of them. When you act so ignorant, I guess its best not to let anyone know how educated you truly are but what kind of message does this present to the communities that looks up to these artists.

Letting it all Go to your Head

KOBE Bryant slam-dunked Spike Lee right before the taping of “Kobe: Doin’ Work” by demanding creative control over the documentary and forcing the director to drive to his house to beg for a meeting to save the project, sources told Page Six.

Lee had worked for months to get permission from Bryant, the Lakers team, coach Phil Jackson, the NBA and ESPN, which will air the day-in-the-life documentary on May 16. The director had already flown to Los Angeles, where 30 cameras were in place for the April 13, 2008, Lakers game against the San Antonio Spurs.

But suddenly Bryant said he wouldn’t cooperate unless he was granted creative control, sources said. Lee tried several times to call Bryant, who wouldn’t accept his calls. So Lee, at the suggestion of ESPN broadcaster Stephen A. Smith, drove to Bryant’s house in a gated community, where Bryant refused to see him, sources said.

Avatars Cursing and Posing as Celebrities they don't look like is Hilarious

Where the Wild Things Are

Ohh how I love Mondays (of course this statement is drenched in Sarcasm). Jarring in its execution, transposing in its reality - it the day of the week where I feel like I can't quite get my footing, but this morning....I long to be where the wild things are.

Yesterday, I took an extroadinarily delightful family day trip to the LA zoo and in all of my years of being in this city, somehow I've never traveled up to this particular zone of Griffith Park. Needless to say that I had a blast amongs the chimpanzees, nubian ibex's (those were super cool), Masai Giraffe, Meerkats, and Sichuan Takin (really don't be impressed, I went to the LA zoo website to figure out what the hell I saw on Sunday).

The LA Zoo was founded in 1966 and is home to over 1,100 animals from all over the world, owned and operated by the city of Los Angeles. Fun tidbit is that the zoo has been implementing a California Condor breeding program that has grown the number of condors in the world from a low of 22 in the 1980's to 330 today. The First LA zoo opened in 1912 and was about two miles north of its current site until about 1965. The site of the current zoo was formerly the location of Rodger Young Village (a public housing project set up for temporary housing for veterans returning to Southern California area following the end of World War II), which was itself built on the land which had been use for the Griffith Park Aerodrome.

Currently the Zoo is experiencing controversy over Billy the Elephan and the 42 million Pachyderm Forest project, a 6 acre proposal that began in 2006 to house the zoos Elephant exhibit. The project has been put on hold by animal rights activist who contests that the exhibit space would not provide the appropriate roaming space for the animals. It is LA Concilman Tony Cardenas who is suggesting that the Zoos lone Asian Elephan, Billy, be sent to the Permorming Animal Welfare Society in San Adreas backed by a 1.5 million dollar endorsement by Bob Barker of price is right fame to cover the cost of Billy's transport.

"Our zoo is trying to do the best job they can with the real estate they have and the budget they have," said Councilman Tony Cardenas, who conceived the motion to stop construction of the exhibit and move Billy to a sanctuary. "Elephants don't fit in zoos; they have ailment they don't get out in the wild. Whether it's an acre or three to four acres. it's inadequate."

As stated by Jack hanna (proponent of the Pachyderm Forest Project) " What I found was a project taking shape that will set a new standard for the care of elephans at zoos, providing a home that will be even larger than what Asian elephants enjoy a the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Not only will Billy and future residents have a huge amount of space in which to roam, they will continue to enjoy 24-hour monitoring, state of the art medical care, love, nuturing and a level of attention that ranch-like sanctuaries cannot provide. My conclusion: The pachyderm Forest will be a model for humane elephant care that will educate generations to come on the threats Asian Elephans face in the wild."

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pushpin Industry Thriving In Recession

by The Onion (Vol. 45 Issue 17)

"In Tough Times, People Need To Tack Things Onto Walls,' Analysts Say"

WASHINGTON—With unemployment at its highest rate in 25 years and countless retirement savings wiped out by the collapse of the stock market, experts say the American pushpin industry may be the lone bright spot in an otherwise bleak financial landscape.

"Everyone knows that when the economy contracts, pushpin sales expand," said Paul Michelson, a pushpin analyst for Wells Fargo. "In uncertain times, they provide a sense of stability to those who just lost their jobs or may be late with their mortgage payments."

Added Michelson, "Pushpins are sharp, rigid, and enable you to attach thin items to the wall. People really gravitate toward that."

In times of prosperity, however, consumers tend to be more interested in high-ticket items such as flat-screen TVs or oil paintings. During economic booms, the pushpins go in the back of the junk drawer until hard times hit again.

Since Edwin Moore's invention of the pushpin in 1900, people have turned to these inexpensive office supplies en masse during economic recessions. In the 1930s, pushpins were used by President Roosevelt to display signage detailing various New Deal social programs; in the recessions of the mid-1970s and early '90s, families affixed unpaid bills, help wanted ads, and inspirational posters to the wall with the versatile fasteners.

Uses of the push pin

The many uses of the recession-proof fastener.

In the current economic slump, pushpin sales have risen 79 percent, and retailers are struggling to keep them in stock.

Analysts agree that the industry is experiencing a growth not seen since 1983, as consumers who once thought nothing of spending $30 or $40 on an impulse item, such as DVDs or an MP3 player, have found themselves with less disposable income. With an average price point of 62 cents for a card of 60, pushpins—or "thumbtacks," as they are sometimes known—provide an attractive alternative to the average consumer.

"This is a great time to be in pushpins," economist Brad DeLong said. "In a soft economy, people turn to family for support, and they want pictures of their loved ones in a place where they can see them, only they can't afford to have those photos professionally framed. That makes the pushpin a very hot commodity."

But the popularity of pushpins might go beyond their utilitarian use. Market psychologist Julian Parson believes pushpins are deeply rooted in the American psyche.

"Just think back to the earliest memory you have," Parson said. "It's probably your mom in the kitchen looking at a recipe she had on the wall. And what held that recipe in place? Pushpins. They harken back to simpler times—baseball and apple pie—instilling a feeling that everything is all right."

"Especially the ones with the brass heads," Parson added.

As the financial news turns more and more dire, pushpin display racks in grocery stores are being stripped bare. But John Nayer, author of Pinned To The Wall: Thumbtacks And The American People In Times Of Economic Turmoil, says that the reasons for the success of the pushpin are not as simple as some would have you believe.

Nayer's book posits that it's not just a matter of items being placed on a vertical surface at eye level, because if that were the case, analysts would see a commensurate increase in tape and staple sales. In reality, Nayer writes, staples make people uneasy, and tape represents a disposability that many are not comfortable with.

"Pushpins say, 'Use me over and over again,'" Nayer writes. "They are the comfort food of household supplies."

There are other less optimistic theories about the popularity of pushpins. Some see a correlation between increases in sales and crime: As the market dips, the thinking goes, crime surges, and police need more pushpins for city crime maps and wanted posters.

Others claim that in tough times people are desperate to feel they're capable of making a mark on the world, which they can accomplish by spelling out their initials on bulletin boards.

Nevertheless, most analysts agree that the pushpin upswing is indicative of a revitalized interest throughout the domestic sector in affixing things to walls. And with the recession projected to continue for at least a year, pushpin sales show no sign of slowing.

"I needed some pins," Omaha, NE homemaker Susan Bloski said. "My husband's unemployment just ran out, things have been pretty tight around the house, and, with so many things that need to be put on walls, pushpins are really the only thing I have to look forward to when I wake up.

An Open Letter to Ciara

Dear Ciara,

I was a big fan of yours when you stepped into Aaliyah's lane upon her untimely death to grab some shine and team up with Petey Pablo for the chart topping "Goodies". I was even front and center when you dropped "Evolution" and continued charting crunk pop and R&B territory with an offering that, although filled with studio gimmicks, was a pretty solid offering for an artist with such a limited vocal range. But then came "Fantasy Ride" a project purported to be 3-disc release that then turned into a one disc turd and this ladies and gentleman is where the wheels began to fall off.

Ohh Ciara, how wayward you have become. Your video for the recyled, cheap "Love, Sex, and Magic" with Justin Timberlake (that by the way, was dropped off his own project - "Futuresex/Lovesongs") only goes to show how much you have been turned out by tinseltown. Lets forgive the obvious swagger jacking to focus on how everything is on display but your music. With hardly any dancing to its credit, JT get yet another pass to objectify black women in a conept that has you looking like a coked out, 60's club whore. Ciara, you are a very sexy and pretty girl, but I never imagined that you would slip into the role of vixen and put your snatch on display in order to sell records.

Speaking of records, then there is the dics, much delayed, much overhauled by concept and idea - most of the tracks, if not all, have leaked months if not years ago and now the whole thing is online for those savy or stupid enough to even download it. The tracklisting alone inspires groans. With guest appearances from JT, Ludacris, Missy Elliot, The Dream, Young Jeezy, and Chris Brown (Man, the Chris brown track is pure comedy), the album is basically dead upon arrival and a mishmash of styles that culminates into a migrane headache. If anything, your music only makes an argument for how Aailyah inevitably left a huge legacy to be filled. Sadly, your heels are not big enough to step into her shoes.

Every single track on your album is bad - which now I understand why the 17 differnt release dates, but why they didn't just can the project all together and start anew ala Mya is beyone me. In fact, like Mya's exceptional "Sugar and Spice" (no sarcasm intended) maybe this should have been a Cambodia only release. Poor thing, its really time for you to hang your tacky lacefronts up and maybe think of joining the cast of the "Justice League Superheroes" show at Six Flag Magic Mountain. Now that is a fantasy I could endure and swallow a little bit easier.

Going GaGa for CaCa

Over the past couple of weeks I have read several music criticisms of Ms. Caca and I would have to say that I disagree with them on a couple of points. For one, Lady Caca is immensely innovative. I mean, who else could take two old prosthetic legs and turn them into a pair of thigh high boots. The umbrella, the slight nod to the pan pacific, yes, Lady Gaga is indeed everything that is wrong with music today. But then, why do I like her so much.

Maybe its her "devil may care" attitude or the fact that in a stage were most artist are stagnant and robotic, she comes across as a burst of fresh air by way of a Clockwork Orange and meth. The truth of the matter is that she is an amalgamation or a matriculation (depending on how you look at it) of Madonna and Bjork and has brandished a page in the material girls playbook by being a cameloeon to the media. But I feel that once she has had fun rumaging through the aformentioned divas old touring closets that there won't be much allure to Ms. Gaga. I mean, her music is complete garbage...but to boot, its fun garbage. I can't say that I am a fan of her tunes, but then again, this is the masterwork behind her allure. She is outwright and in your face about being the premiere prefabricated, premanufactured artist cut from a high gloss magazine. In fact, I would be hard pressed to call Gaga "talented" for she is born out of the toxic wasteland that music has become over the past 10 years or so in which talent has been pushed to the side and then off the page for perception and Image.

To be apropos, there isn't an artist I can think of say in the past 10 years or so other than say Ashanti, who has been so shallow of a musical artist and completely gloated about their lack of talent. The fact that she is following in the footsteps of say Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston as being one of the few debut female artist to have back to back number ones is even funnier. Are peoples taste in music this fical or is the competition just that bad.

The thruth is that music in this day and age has become the afterthough with the artist becoming mere walking brand extentions. I mean, who really goes and buys music anymore....that concept died with the demise of the record store (I miss you Tower Records and Virgin Records). But don't get it twisted, I'm not condoning piracy (I mean I don't want to lose my newly self-appointed, completely unpaid post as a blogger). But that brings up an interesting point. Music is so disposable now that the average consumer finds no value in purchasing the cd case, and booklet of pretty pictures (the music on the disc is irrelevant). As I say that, I click on Imeem to check out "The Famewhore" or whatever its called in its entirety - its the first time I've heard this mess - and all I keep thinking is "who is this bullshit made for" and why would anyone ever buy it.

If you can believe it, Lady Caca was signed to Def jam records by LA Reid when she was 19 years old but was dropped from the label after three months. Then nine years later music executive Vincent Herbert signed her to Interscope to write for artist such as Fergie, The Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears, and New Kids on the Block before Akon got a hold of her and "The Famewhore" came to be. Judging by the roster, Caca was spreading her poison hard and fast long before she started sporting triangle dresses and soap bubble summer dresses. Man what the decade could have been without her.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Quid Pro Quos of Life

Sometimes I ask myself what is the purpose of it all. What are we all doing this for? Are we randomly passing time, or is there a true underlying intention for our actions and are placement amongst people and time. Coming from the school of thought of "everything happens for a reason" life has inevitably become one big episode of "Heroes" where the episodes are more resonant and better written of course (all without the use of special effects). The funny thing about intention and purpose is that we often don't even know that we are engaging in such while its happening. Whose to say that a random conversation at the bus stop or in a grocery store, at the gym, or in an elevator doesn't have a vast impact on the outcome on ones day. And who is to say that your mere presence can bring a sense of calm to the storm that may be someone life at the time.

Last night I found myself in the emergency room at a LA hospital waiting on the prognosis of a good friend who had checked in from stomach pain. Of course, my mind was racing from worry and concern but brewing just under the surface was a situation involving a family that had just simultaneously checked in a family member. There scenario more dire, a young woman had passed out in her home and the family members could not wake her up. I could see from the disheveled faces and pacing back and forth from the two dozen or so that had conveyed outside the hospital in support that hope was in short order. By the time I got to the hospital and sat in the waiting station of emergency, I was to learn that the young woman's son was denied entrance to see his dying mother and that she had inevitably passed. Being no stranger to moments like these, I quietly help my head down and said a prayer as the screams and wails of grief passed over my head like bottle rockets, with those outside coming in to comfort those who were still inside. Me and the few who had convened for my good friend stood motionless almost standing helpless as we watched the scene unfold. Mothers grabbing their young and embracing in sobs and yells, apologizing as we try to comfort them the best way we knew how. All I kept thinking was how bad I felt for this family, the son who could not see his mother - to say his last words, and my friend who we could not see - wishing and hoping myself for the best for all that stood in the room.

Even more worried about my friend now, the sobbing seized momentarily as the family members, as best they could, grabbed their composure and made there way outside changing the mood momentarily as two new individuals popped up who at first I assumed were part of the other party. He looked like he just got into a fight and she, looked like a nursing assistant. They, just as perplexed at the scenario as us, so after making small talk and filling them on the facts that had just gone down, we were to learn that the dude had got into a fight with his sisters boyfriend who had just been released from the pen and who tried to molest a younger family member. The bit of comedy, if you can believe it, is that the dude had been bit on the upper, inner thigh during the fight and was at the hospital for a tetanus shot. Now imagine seeing people screaming and yelling for their loss and then moments later, a dude comes in and pulls down his pants to show everyone in the lobby a bite mark he just received near his crotch from a gets better.

Me and the homies, at this point, had a bit of fun pointing out the inadequecies of the hosptial staff (ohh, in the middle of the hail storm the two dude at reception had food delivered and took off without a care in the world) and the probability or reason for a grown man who was twice as big as the guy sitting in the lobby suffering scratches, biting another due on his inner thigh. We chatted it up for a while as we all looked at the clock still awaiting a diagnosis. On and off we can hear quiet wells from outside and grieving family members pass the door when a group of three; a mother, pergnant daughter, and boyfriend stroll through the door and can't find anyone to help them. At this point, the homie jumped up and instructed one of the security guards to get the reception dudes so that they can help this woman as the woman (the mother) is shouting profanities over not having anyone to help her. She is sobbing, but lucid and explains quite gently that her niece had just passed away moments before as her daughter sat beside us experiencing labor pains. Same hospital, a life taken and a life delivered all from the same family within moments of one another....and I was floored. We told the woman all we knew of the situation and then try as best we could to change the mood from sadness to hapiness that new life was entering the world. The girl looked about 16 years old and her boyfriend prolly the same age. All I kept thinking was the fact that, being so young, at least homie was there to see about his son or daughter. Funny where the mind trails off.

It wasn't too long after this that my friend was released in a happy homecoming of warm faces and the sound of relief as she appeared to be just fine. After a round of hugs and small talk, we bid our new friends adeau (the guy with the scratches and his girlfriend who we later learned was two months pregnant) in a moment that seem like it came right out of the Johnson family reunion. Its funny how human connection works cause in that moment, we were no longer at a hospital, but in a place where we all felt connected and bonded by the experiences we had just gone through.

Leaving the hospital, my mind was thankful that my friend was alright but of course I had to say another prayer for the families loss, but smiled at the thought of life just as easily being brought to them. And then it hit is such a ebb and flow of conflicting forces that sometimes gell together in a way to make something completly flawed and beautiful. As much as we complain about whats not going right...sometimes there is a purpose and explanation for it that cannot be foreseen at the time. Sorta like being in an emergecny room and comforting a family you don't know...making small talk with folks you befriend at the moment, and waiting for your friend to come home in one piece. The whole thing inevitably impacted me in such a way that it inspired me to write again, about the human condition. It also made me understand that we as humans are far more resilient than we know...even in our most trying and telling times......that life is a gift, that you cherish that gift....and you don't take it for granted because you never know when a moment will be your last....and somone else's new beginning.

Welcome to My Blog

Well folks, this is my official first blog as a "Blogger" (man that sounds weird)...yes, after small forays in bloggin on myspace (ha) and then seeing the entire myspace population jump over to facebook and twitter (whatever that is), I have decided to stop front'n and step out on my own. Here I bring you Sanspiracy.......a blog for the sophisitcated philosophical nerd inside of all of us. It will pretty much be a mix of humor, social analysis, and reality for the forward thinking, Intellectually hungry Individual. So feel free to stop by and get your fix.


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