Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nas' Letter to Young Warriors: In response to the beating of 16 year old Chicago honor student - Derrion Albert

Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the loss of a love one was never cool.

Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling, that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, anyone. But….

We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, fila’s, and name plate chains. Deaths over “he say she say”!!!!! “I’m from This block or I’m from that block,” or “my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay!!!”

I remember feeling like I was the hardest “n*gga” breathin. And I couldn’t wait to prove it. 
But let’s think. What r we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state, feel your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.

You have the ability and mindpower to change the way we are looked at. Look who’s watching us young warriors, look who’s throwin us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Lovin to bury us in the ground or in jail where we continue this worthless war on one another. Young warriors…. We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz this movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, Boys n the Hood, Blood n Blood Out, Belly!

When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS….and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the Almighty. I’m with you young warriors. You’re me and I’m you. But trust me! You are fighting the wrong war.

This sh*t sucks !!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Race Defined: Mario Balotelli

from Bossip.com

If you love soccer then you’ve heard of Mario Balotelli. He’s under the age of 20, playing on one of the best soccer teams and also one of the brightest budding stars. Despite all that, he has been going through some racial turmoil.

Mario is an Italian/international player, or is he?:

The beauty of sports is that they often force folks to confront racial, social and economic issues head-on. Mario Balotelli, by most people’s assumption, would be a fair-skinned Italian. He’s actually a

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Living Nightmare Of Encouraging Kids To Read Is Over

From: The Onion

Thank god.

After 26 long years, I can finally rest easy. Twenty-six years I spent standing in front of a camera, gritting my teeth, and shilling the latest works of every hack children's book author imaginable. For 26 years, I've told kids they could open a magical door to another world just by reading a book, when the only door it ever opened for me led to a soul-sucking career in the horrifying abyss of public television.

But now, at last, it is over. I don't have to lie anymore. I don't have to live that nightmare.

When the news came that Reading Rainbow would be canceled due to a lack of funding, I felt—well, to use a cliché like you'd find in one of the hundreds of books I pimped endlessly—like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Every day I went to work hoping that maybe the studio had burned down, that maybe the program had been cut, that maybe PBS would finally stop squeezing the life from me drop by drop. Now that it's over, I feel the relief a bruised and broken soldier must feel when he is rescued after rotting away for decades in some dank, forgotten POW camp.

May that godforsaken show burn in hell.

At long last, I can pick up a book and read for pleasure! Haven't read one in ages. You know what I was reading during those 26 insufferable years? Scripts. Scripts for roles that went to actors who weren't stigmatized by their association with a TV show occupying the time slot right after Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

I happen to be an accomplished actor. I starred in Roots, which was the most-watched show in American television history. My stirring portrayal of Kunta Kinte got me an Emmy nomination. But you know what? At 25 years old, when the opportunity to earn a regular paycheck working on a children's show came along, it seemed like a pretty damn good idea.

I was dead, dead wrong.

Little did I know the next quarter century of my life would be an unrelenting blur of excruciating trips to some of the most boring places on earth. Apiaries, steam trains, old mills—every week they sent me to a fresh hellhole, and every week I had to interview the dullest people imaginable.

And those humiliating books. Maebelle's Suitcase and The Jolly Postman. These were not the classics. Anyone who could glue paper between two pieces of cardboard and hire a publicist could get a book on that show. And there I was, in sheer agony, trying to keep a smile on my face while talking up Germs Make Me Sick!

Before long, people began recognizing me on the street, and inevitably they'd come over and start singing this awful, cloying tune. When I finally asked somebody what the hell it was, I was sickened to learn that it was the show's theme. I'd never heard it. They didn't play it on the set, and Lord knows I never saw one episode of that garbage when it aired.

Hoping to escape Reading Rainbow's clutches, I started taking any role I could get. I'm proud of some of them: I played Geordi La Forge on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Martin Luther King in Ali. But you know what the most challenging role of my career was? Hosting Reading Rainbow and acting like I gave a shit about getting kids interested in books.

Fact is, I couldn't care less whether kids learn to read. There, I said it.

Look, Reading Rainbow was a television program. That should tell you something right there. What I should have done is hosted a show that taught children how to watch more television. I bet they would have come up with the funding to renew that show.

All I've done for 26 years is drive to work, clock in, read my lines, clock out, go home, and cry myself to sleep. Now I'm much older, a broken man, but I've reached the end of my terrifying journey. And do you know what's at the end? Do you what's at the end of the "Reading Rainbow"? A giant crock of shit, that's what.

But you don't have to take my word for it.

Global Awareness: An Experimental Vaccine That Prevents HIV Infection

from bossip

For the first time, an experimental vaccine has prevented infection with the AIDS virus a watershed event in the deadly epidemic and a surprising result. Recent failures led many scientists to think such a vaccine might never be possible. The vaccine cut the risk of becoming infected with HIV by more than 31 percent in the world’s largest AIDS vaccine trial of more than 16,000 volunteers in Thailand, researchers announced Thursday in Bangkok. Even though the benefit is modest, “it’s the first evidence that we could have a safe and effective preventive vaccine,” Col. Jerome Kim said in a telephone interview. He helped lead the study for the U.S. Army, which sponsored it with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Even a marginally helpful vaccine could have a big impact. Every day, 7,500 people worldwide are newly infected with HIV; 2 million died of AIDS in 2007, the U.N. agency UNAIDS estimates. “Today marks an historic milestone,” said Mitchell Warren, executive director of the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, an international group that has worked toward developing a vaccine. “It will take time and resources to fully analyze and understand the data, but there is little doubt that this finding will energize and redirect the AIDS vaccine field,” he said in a statement. The Thailand Ministry of Public Health conducted the study, which used strains of HIV common in Thailand. Whether such a vaccine would work against other strains in the U.S., Africa or elsewhere in the world is unknown, scientists stressed. “This is a scientific breakthrough,” Thai Health.


Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai told a news conference in Bangkok. “For the first time ever there is evidence that HIV vaccine has preventative efficacy.”

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Royal Blunder - The Online Royalties Debate

from Electronista.com

Music royalty groups ASCAP and BMI are pressing online music stores like Apple's iTunes to pay performance fees not only for actual song downloads but also videos and even the 30-second samples used to preview the music in advance. While these stores already pay the distribution fees for the songs themselves, ASCAP, BMI and labels claim that just downloading and playing the content also counts as a live performance and should bring an extra fee.

The reasons vary depending on the format. For music, it's claimed that downloads or streams, including samples, count as a public performances as with the radio or in a venue, where performance royalties are already paid. Movie and TV royalties would be different as soundtrack artist are normally paid for when the videos are aired, which is commonplace for theaters and TV networks but doesn't occur for online formats.

However, critics such as the Digital Music Association, an online media industry defender that counts Apple, RealNetworks and others as members, counter that a legal precedent has already been set that considers downloads private and thus exempt from performance fees. They also accuse ASCAP and related firms of trying to collect double royalties, of violating copyright law in trying to collect from samples, and simply of trying to exploit successful online stores like iTunes.

"These guys are afraid that the business model is shifting away from public performances to a model of private performances," DiMA executive director Jonathan Potter told CNET. "They aren't getting paid for the public performance in a download because there is no public performance in a download."

Internet radio stations, including both generic streams and recommendation-based systems like Last.fm and Pandora, already pay royalties for each song streamed online. Those with the jukebox software playing the content are at least theoretically exempt as they only make the stations accessible.

Mushroom Season in Poisonous Sacramento: Assemblyman John Perez wants to make Phil Anschutz richer with a favor to Nokia Live

By Tibby Rothman and Jill Stewart - LA Weekly

Each September, in a flurry of deadline activity, 120 California legislators try to push through last-minute bills that have never been debated, or that seem to spring from nowhere, or that were ghostwritten by big pharma or big labor — yet are peddled by a sitting legislator who claims to be the “author.”

The controversial September crush of laws designed to please narrow special-interest groups is a big reason that about 1,000 new laws stream to the governor’s desk for his signature each year. The worst of them have been nicknamed “mushrooms” by Sacramento wags because they arise entirely in the dark, seemingly overnight.

This year, one “mushroom” attracting headlines is by Assemblyman John Perez, who represents the Eastside of Los Angeles and is Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s first cousin. His Assembly Bill 813 would benefit just one Colorado billionaire, Philip Anschutz. First reported by the Los Angeles Times, AB 813 would waive a law that currently prohibits Club Nokia and other entertainment venues from slathering the interior of their spaces with ads that promote the alcohol companies whose products they sell at a steep profit.

Anschutz wants to sell big ad spaces inside the unattractive, boxlike Club Nokia, near Staples Center, to squeeze out more profit. The state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control this year ruled such liquor-ad peddling to be illegal.

Perez wants to exempt Club Nokia, and only Club Nokia, from the law — setting off an outcry about the ethically challenged California Legislature. Tracy Westen, vice chairman and CEO of the Center for Governmental Studies, calls Perez’s bill, “special-interest legislation at its worst ... to harness the power of all 120 legislators and the governor to benefit one particular person or company.” Westen adds, “We’ve got problems with prisons, a water system that’s dangerous, our schools are crumbling — and the Legislature spends its time giving an economic benefit to one man.”

Entertainment venues that won’t get the special waiver aren’t happy. Sharon Sandow, president/CEO of the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, says “This puts other venues, such as those in West Hollywood, at a disadvantage due to no fault of their own.”

Perez has been slammed before for his calculated politics, beginning with his controversial election victory last year in an Eastside Assembly seat previously held by Fabian Núñez, who was forced out by term limits.

An L.A. Weekly story headlined “Who needs voters? The fix was in on the Eastside last night” explained how two well-known candidates, Arturo Chavez and Ricardo Lara, mysteriously quit the race for Núñez’s seat long before Election Day, guaranteeing that Perez would win. First, Chavez dropped out of the race. A week later, Lara dropped out. Lara then announced he had been handed a plum job by Perez’s first cousin, the mayor, who appointed Lara to the Planning Commission.

Perez’s election was widely criticized by city activists, including the outspoken Zuma Dogg, who blogged: “Antonio’s anointed candidate, who will be your new Assembly member pulling the levers for his cousin Antonio, is John Perez.”

Since then, Perez has rapidly moved up the power grid in Sacramento — he is now chairman of the 50-member Democratic Caucus in the Assembly, which for about five decades has controlled the debate and the votes in the lower house of the Legislature. But while Perez has done well as a party functionary in the Capitol, he has not fared well with the public.

Perez was a lead spokesman for the disastrous “Yes on 1A-1E” ballot-measure campaign that would have dramatically raised California taxes, paid down the deficit and propped up school funding. The package of measures lost by a landslide.

A new statewide survey by the Public Policy Institute of California found that Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Legislature as a whole, and individual legislators like Perez are all deeply unpopular, with many Californians believing special-interest money is running roughshod. Dennis Hathaway, an antibillboard activist who has watched AEG’s power grow under Villaraigosa, says of Perez’s law written just for Anschutz: “It’s another case of what AEG wants, AEG gets, whether it’s in City Hall or Sacramento.”

The PPIC survey says that 73 percent of Californians feel Sacramento is controlled “by a few big interests looking out for themselves.”

That’s a new high for public distrust of California politicians in the 11-year history that PPIC has been tracking this topic, and a new low for Sacramento. Soon after PPIC’s poll came out, the state Senate in the wee hours of last Saturday killed the Club Nokia law, its leaders embarrassed over headlines about Perez’s blatantly special-interest Assembly bill.

You Never Know Just How Far You Have Come Until You Take a Look Back

In honor of second chances I thought I would just pull this jem out of the crates. IMO, Being Bobby Brown will forever be one of the most brilliantly funny reality shows I have ever seen. Take a gander at the clips above and lets all be thankful for the power of redemption.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homecoming: Whitney's "Million Dollar" Video

Music has changed so much in the past decade that I really wasn't sure how well Ms. Houston would be received in the marketplace. But Id have to say that its good to have her back home and its a godsend to have someone finally sing on a record. All things considered, Whitney is the epitome of class, grace, and beauty - watching this video put a smile on my face and had me saying Beyonce who???

PS...Whitney looks effin FANTASTIC!!! and the video is an excellent look for her.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Shepard’s Fairey Michael Jordan Poster Series

from On221.com

The creator of the iconic Obama “Hope” posters is creating another piece for pop culture. The series will be an homage to Michael Jordan illustrating highlights in his career. Here’s the first of more to come.

Based on this pic, the series looks like it’s gonna be dope. This would have been better if it came out in the ’90s. The Obama piece is so iconic because it captured the moment in the moment.

Have Ya Heard!!! Black Dynamite is Coming!!!

Black Dynamite, filmed in Cinemaphonic Quadrovision, is still the best part of suffering through "I can do Bad All by Myself". Check it out above.

"Bad" is Bad all by Itself: Tyler Perry in Review

Locked away in every Tyler Perry movie, I feel, is a great filmmaker who is held down by the conventions of his own genre who prohibits himself from elevating his empire to full "Kingdom Come" Status. This is not to say that Tyler Perry could ever be Spike Lee, but its not to suggest that he couldn't be if he was to hone his craft a little better and take advantage of the performers who seems to, by sheer will, elevate his material beyond the vaudeville.

For Perry, there is a tried and true formula and he does little to deviate as yet again we have a movie wrapped around a female heroine (the Amazing Taraji P Henson) who must look past her demons, sift through her baggage, and through redemption and faith, find love and family. At first a novelty, "Bad" was the first time I was outright bored by Perry and his stale bag of tricks because for every three things he seems to get brazenly correct, there is usually one major thing he drops the ball on. In "Bad" that would be Randy as played by Brian J White.

I know Perry's productions are more geared towards a female audience, but he usually only provides two archetypes for males. Hard up, honest, blue-collar upstanding citizen inked out of a Disney cartoon and straight up thug. Randy in "Bad" would be the thug by way of married with 4 kids and bunking up with his mistress (Henson). But what really urked me about his character was when it was used as a way of divulging the child abuse issues faced by Henson's character and the wonderful Hope Olaide Wilson who plays Jennifer, the niece of Henson whose grandmother has custody of her and her two brothers but has been missing from some time. This issue brought up a much larger issue in the story which is, almost all of the characters aside from Henson and Wilson are motivated by plot points and must work their characters in ways that facilitate the stories forward momentum. So when we have an 11th hour situation involving Randy and Jennifer (who is 16 in the story) - the whole thing feels sloppy, vulgar, and inauthentic. I say inauthentic because for the most part, characters divulging past issues such as rape and domestic abuse in previous Perry films was used as a way to encourage discussion within the community. Here is just a cheap plot point meant to resuscitate the bland third act.

Although the typical do gooder male archetype, Adam Rodriguez is also worth noting for his performance, along with Henson and Olaide, elevates this mess to something approaching a cinematic experience. Somehow I wish Mary J Blige, Glady's Knight, and Marvin Winans could have been used to better effect, but their peformances along with the forementioned spring the production to life giving it that much needed soul and heart.

One day Perry's productions will rely less on its crutch, Madea. And one day, I would love to see one of Perry's productions directed by someone other than Tyler Perry. For now, it seems all we will get from him is the rehash and remix, but until Perry realizes that his audience is capable of more from him, is ready to grow with him and should be given more, I can't really blame him for taking the money and running.

Like-Ummm Education is Really Important

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Years and the World Hasn't Been the Same Since: Remembering September 11th

from DC to BC.com

I remember it all so well. First week of high school, in English class. The intercom went off, and classes were immediately dismissed. All hell broke loose. Phones jammed. People running and screaming through the hallways. Traffic turned quick 15-minute commutes into 4-hour treks. Nobody had answers, and that was the scariest part of it all.

8 years since tragedy struck the U.S., and the world still doesn’t have answers to all that occurred. Regardless, 9.11.01 is a date that we will never forget for more reasons that I can put here. Take the time out of your day to remember the people lost in this unfortunate event, as well as the heroes on board the planes that stood up for their country in a time of need. We’ve made progress, and we will continue to do so in the coming years.

Frozen Gaze: Sex Ed for the Grammer School Set

Look...I don't know whose kids these are, what kind of event this is supposed to be, how old they are, or why adults would let them get their twork on like they're 25 and at the club but this is really a shame folks.

Love the Skin You're In: Bleaching Cream Sales Skyrocket Worldwide

Its really sad that in this day and age, a brown tone complexion is viewed as undesirable. Well undesirable for those who already have a brown tone to their skin. Its really not surprising though, that this phenomenon is not specific to African Americans and extends to other parts of the world like India and Pakistan. What is surprising is that men worldwide are a growing consumer base for this type of bafoonery. Video above

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Q-Tip Speaks to the Musically "Abstract"

from Soulbounce.com

Finally, Q-Tip speaks out about why it's taken so long for his "latest" album, Kamaal The Abstract to be released. Of course, by now you know that this was supposed to be the follow-up to Amplified, and was recorded in 2001 for Arista Records. It had more of a jazzy theme, which didn't sit well with the powers that be *cough* LA Reid */cough*, who decided it had no commercial appeal and placed it on the shelf. Later, when it leaked to the public (I think we've all heard several tracks by now), Tip negotiated to get the rights back, and planned for a 2007 release. Fast forward to now. If you ever wondered what the inspiration for the project was, the politics that were involved behind the scenes that held up the release, and why now is a perfect time for Abstract to see the light of day, then you should press play below, as Tip covers all of those topics. And his impersonations are hilarious. Heh. The album is officially set for public consumption this coming Tuesday, September 15th on Battery Records.

Gender Swap: To Prove that Caster Semenya is a Woman, They Made Her Up as Serena Williams

from Hip Hop Wired.com

The embattled South African sprinter caught in a firestorm about whether she is a man or woman will soon learn her fate. Gender tests are expected to show the true biological sex of 18-year old Caster Semenya in about two weeks. The Associated Press reports that IAAF spokesman Nick Davies told them on Tuesday that it would take about two weeks for a group of medics and anti-doping experts at track and field's international governing body to analyze the results but it is unlikely that she will be stripped of her medal.

Davies says, "Only then with conclusive evidence would we be in a position to make an educated decision."

Semenya left spectators in an uproar after suddenly breaking her own personal record in July and becoming the new African junior champion. Speculation was capped off when she dusted her competition in Berlin's IAAF World Champions by a startling 2.45 seconds to win the women's 800 meter finals.

Despite the ongoing tests, Caster remains positive. She recently told South Africa's You magazine that she thinks the test are silly and a joke.

“I see it all as a joke, it doesn't upset me. God made me the way I am and I accept myself. I am who I am and I'm proud of myself.”

She appears on the cover of the magazine and in a four page feature. The runner looks drastically different wearing a dress and makeup. In one picture she has on liquid leggings and stilettos. Caster made sure to add that the makeover is not to prove a point saying, “I didn't do this to prove a point but rather to have fun. I don't give a damn what people say about me …”

Good for her. She looks much better.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

FROZEN GAZE: Go Girl, for the Girl on the GO!!!!

Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It’s a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to pee while standing up. It’s neat. It’s discreet. It’s hygienic.

I have no words. But I am wondering what makes this....

different from this.......

Don't Judge Me, I Happen To Like This Song and Video

Yeah, its Taylor Swift and yeah, its country music - but you'd be surprised by the things that grab your attention when your just waking up in the am (FYI, I woke up to this video one morning - of course not intentionally - and it stuck in my head, and then I forgot it, until just now)

CIM Group: Hollywood's Richest Slumlord

by Patrick Range McDonald - LA Weekly
Published on September 02, 2009

It’s amazing what persistence,
a YouTube video and some well-timed postings on a well-read blog can do these days for neighborhood activists tired of being ignored by City Hall and a very rich, very powerful North American real estate company. Meet Cindy DuHaime and Ziggy Kruse, two women who live in Hollywood, never give up and stick it to the man.

DuHaime and Kruse are tireless community activists — DuHaime as the block captain of the Garfield Neighborhood Watch on Garfield Avenue just north of Hollywood Boulevard, and Kruse as a member of the Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council board.

For more than a year, DuHaime has been locked in a battle with CIM group, a real estate investment firm worth more than $1 billion with headquarters in Los Angeles; it owns the Hollywood & Highland shopping center — but also owns derelict, Third World slum–style properties on the northwest corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Western Avenue, including an empty motel known as the Bon-Air and a small apartment building, both of which look bombed-out.

DuHaime lives on a lot behind these filthy, hazardous, broken-down structures that appear to have been struck by a hurricane. She’s been trying to get CIM to board up and secure the properties, and then to finally demolish them.

CIM does not lack the money to handle such a small expenditure, with properties in several major cities. It was co-founded by Richard Ressler, a former cigarette-company executive, Ivy League–educated lawyer and investment banker, and two Israeli-Americans, Shaul Kuba and Avi Shemesh, who struck up a friendship with Ressler years ago when chatting with him about his lawn.

CIM developed much of the Third Street Promenade and is now a major landlord in Hollywood, owning more than 1.7 million square feet there. It now owns the long-disappointing Hollywood & Highland shopping center, which houses the Kodak Theatre. Despite endless assurances by City Councilman Eric Garcetti and his predecessor, Jackie Goldberg, the development has soaked up vast sums of public money and enjoys a key location at a crossroads for global tourism, yet has never delivered as promised to taxpayers.

At Hollywood and Western, by contrast, homeless kids and prostitutes regularly crawl into the abandoned motel slum to camp inside. But Hollywood’s politicians have repeatedly looked the other way, and recently rewarded CIM with key help in securing a public loan of $30 million to bring Cirque du Soleil to Hollywood & Highland, several blocks away. Pushed by Garcetti, the unanimous vote of the Los Angeles City Council to hand CIM such riches has enraged many.

Meanwhile, “We have to live with this,” says DuHaime, standing outside the Bon-Air Motel.

After pleading with CIM Vice President John Given, the Department of Building and Safety and Councilman Tom LaBonge (the slum buildings are in LaBonge’s half of Hollywood, while Garcetti’s district office is about 400 feet away), DuHaime called Ziggy Kruse, whom she met at a public meeting about Hollywood redevelopment.

“After I contacted her,” DuHaime says, “everything took off. She wouldn’t stop talking about it.”

Yet Kruse didn’t get much of a response from either the city or the landowner. “You’re going to hear from the city and CIM that they’ve been ‘working with the community,’ ” says Kruse, standing with DuHaime near the Bon-Air Motel, “but it’s just not the case.”

LaBonge, for example, tells L.A. Weekly he’s been “anxious to see those buildings demolished,” but then he claims the national “economic tsunami” somehow made it difficult for CIM to handle the tear-down — an extremely tough excuse for Hollywood residents to buy.

Then there’s City Council President Garcetti, whose desk in his Hollywood district office at Western Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard looks directly down on the ravaged Bon-Air Motel. But according to his spokeswoman, Julie Wong, Garcetti decided to stay out of the controversy since the buildings are actually in LaBonge’s district.

It is this very mindset — passing the buck — that Kruse and DuHaime are fighting. They dramatically ramped up their tactics against City Hall after August 4, when Garcetti and the City Council earned themselves less-than-glowing headlines by approving a federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) loan application that, in the midst of desperate times for small businesses in Los Angeles, will hand the giant CIM about $30 million in public money to retrofit the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland — for a new Cirque du Soleil production.

The deal came under intense criticism from bloggers, city residents and the Los Angeles Times, which wrote in an editorial that “city leaders are unable to support their optimistic claims about the CIM loan with anything but the flimsiest of evidence.”

Kruse and DuHaime jumped in. “People heard that CIM got the loan for the theater,” says DuHaime, “but they don’t know that CIM is also a slumlord. This [repair of local slum buildings] is where HUD money should go.”

Kruse attended a Los Angeles City Attorney neighborhood forum at City Hall on August 13, explaining the situation to newly elected City Attorney Carmen Trutanich. Trutanich asked if CIM was “breaking the law.” Kruse smiled and said “yes,” since CIM received an abatement order from the Department of Building and Safety on March 26, 2009, with which it has failed to comply. Trutanich covered his political backside by saying the $30 million loan was not in his “wheelhouse” of responsibility, but he eventually sent his prosecutors to check out the CIM properties at Hollywood and Western. They found a gruesome, hazardous site straight out of Dickens, piled with garbage, including urine-soaked trash and used tampons.

By that time, Kruse had gotten the attention of blogger Dakota Smith’s Curbed L.A., a well-read, generally prodevelopment, prodensity and probusiness real estate blog. Kruse sent Smith pictures of the properties. Smith promptly wrote a long story and posted extremely embarrassing photos of the motel and buildings. The piece got 52 comments. Smith contacted CIM’s Given, then followed up with another post. The coverage spread through the blogosphere.

“It’s not clear whether all the attention being given to Hollywood and Western is warranted (the neighbors will certainly say it is),” wrote Smith on August 24, “but right now it seems the entire city has fixed a beady eye on this corner, site of three derelict CIM-owned properties.”

In the meantime, DuHaime and Kruse met city prosecutors Tina Hess, William Rivera and Nick Karno on August 18 at the site of the Bon-Air Motel, with CIM Group Vice President Philip Friedl in attendance. While Kruse says City Attorney Trutanich “hasn’t filed any charges,” his prosecutors had a much more proactive reaction than Garcetti or LaBonge, who’ve been fine with letting the situation fester, or Building and Safety, which issued an abatement warning and then failed to make it happen. The prosecutors were “stunned beyond belief,” Kruse says, and held a tense street meeting with Friedl.

On August 19, Kruse and DuHaime made a foray into civic journalism on YouTube. In their video, which runs at just less than four minutes, DuHaime takes Kruse and her cameraman and editor, Andre Campbell, on a tour showing sights — including towering heaps of garbage that CIM has allowed to accumulate — that have disgusted many YouTube viewers. Kruse, who has named her project Hollywood Neighborhood News TV, plans to produce more videos.

DuHaime vividly remembers how CIM’s Given promised her more than a year ago that CIM would quickly demolish the abandoned slums. CIM, in a prepared statement to L.A. Weekly, admits the buildings were slated for demolition “over six months ago.”

CIM’s statement goes on to blame government bureaucrats but, curiously, doesn’t cite names: “An unusual set of regulatory overlays delayed permit readiness until mid-July. The council office (Tom LaBonge) and neighbors were apprised of this situation and of an expected demolition commencing at the end of July.”

That, of course, did not happen. “We’ve heard a lot of promises,” DuHaime says.

But Kruse’s and DuHaime’s persistence has created so much shameful attention — no thanks to Garcetti or LaBonge — that even CIM couldn’t handle it. A few days ago, the megadeveloper started tearing down the wrecked apartment building. (A few days later, they also began dismantling the empty horror movie–style motel that threatened to become its corporate logo.) Kruse and her cameraman were there to film the first bulldozers.

“Good things are finally happening,” Kruse says in HNN TV’s second YouTube news report. “The properties behind me are finally being demolished as we speak. It’s going to take a while, but it’s being done. We will be back.”

Hip Hop is a Hell-of-A-Drug: Sponsored by 5 Hour Energy

I don't know what the fuss is about this DMX video. He clearly just had one or two of those 5 hour energy drinks - studio sessions last well into the night. Lol...okay...look.....I know DMX once use to be famous and it must be hard when you were at the top of the Hip Hop Food chain, then go to jail and lose all your fans, but still.....DRUGS ARE BAD FOLKS!!! There is just too much here to even comment on. DMX is higher than the North Star rambling about Jay Z as all these ignorant MF's (who I'm sure watched him snort line after line after line and then decided to video tape him) stand on the sidelines and laugh. And what is Tyrese doing there!!! Why is this video so grainy!!! Bro, if you have to do collabos with DMX then its time for you to call up the Coke people or Dr Pepper, Pepsi or whatever the eff it is and see if they can throw you another "riding on the bus singing" endorsement deal. Or at least its time to give the "Dancing With the Stars" folks a holler. When you talk at 60 miles per hour and three octaves above your normal voice tone, and make wild exaggerated motions with your hands and arms then its not time for an intervention.....its time to just hand your keys over to Jesus. Lets all say a prayer for DMX.

Top 5 Reasons Chris Brown Really Went On Larry King

From Fly Style Life.com

After weeks of speculation, CHRIS BROWN’S long-awaited sit-down with Larry King aired in full last night – and once again, Brown missed the mark.

During the hour-long interview, Brown was vague, uneven and most importantly answered none of the questions the viewers tuned in to watch. The adolescent fan-base that probably would find satisfaction in Browns performance, aren’t going to watch Larry King. And the adults that tuned in were far too smart to fall for his coy answers.

I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering what his ultimate goal for doing the interview in the first place. But we’ve got some theories…

Join us in The Top 5 Reasons Chris Brown Really Went On Larry King

5. Chris is the new spokesman for The National Council of Incoherency – That is the only reason I could think of that his handlers would stick this boy in front of the camera – yet again – without better media training. Within the entire hour, I believe Brown completed 4 actual sentences. God help the poisoned liver of anyone who played a drinking game and took a shot every time Chris said ‘Like’.

4. Chris is quietly lobbying for the lead role in The Louis Farrakhan Story – Once again, Brown makes a less than favorable fashion choice while appealing to the public. In the very first television interview where you break your silence – one that’s being heavily watched around the world – you sit down with one of the most respected journalists dressed like Mr. Rogers illegitimate chocolate son?

3. His Jeweler told him if he wore them on TV, he could keep the diamond earrings – I think it might be tough for anyone to ask for forgiveness with four karats worth of diamonds in their ears. They were distracting, and not very visually appealing.

2. The Larry King Interview counts as one hour towards his ‘community labor’ – He answered very few questions. Joyce cried, a lot. Mark Geragos used this as his official ‘I’m a caring lawyer’ commercial. And we were forced to watch several Larry King close-ups. Sounds like labor to me.

1. Chris was told he could finally perform a Michael Jackson Tribute – This is the only logical reason we could think of to explain why Brown would have done this interview. Clearly there was very little preparation. Brown came off as nervous and inarticulate and seemed to not be able to read his own instincts to let his personality and charm come through.

Let’s be clear, the situation is over. And FSL has long believed that if Brown faces the legal consequences he should be given a second chance. But let’s hope that this is finally the end of his poorly constructed media redemption campaign.

So these are our theories, now we want to hear yours. What did you think of the interview? Mama Joyce? Chris’ bow-tie?

Leave your thoughts and comments below.


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