Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Inspirational Quotes for Hard Times

The mind is a powerful thing and being such, I have made a concerted effort to limit the amount of spam my brain receives. Therefore, I have decided for myself and my own sanity to focus far less on the negative aspects of the day to day and instead, keep my mind focused on the things we often take for granted. Recently on my facebook page, instead of ranting about how tired I am or how every day sucks, I was inspired to showcase a new inspiration quote in the hopes of motivating myself and others. As is, time are very difficult right now for everyone and everyone is going through something. But I have learned through love, that those situations and snafu's don't determine character and they definitely don't dictate happiness or peace of mind. In the war of wills, what's most important thing is to get your mind right and these quoets hold truthful morsels of knowledge that, like a personal trainer, pull you off your ass and get your act in gear. I realize that we sometimes can't be our own motivational source so this has to come from an external arena and if you do a quick google search for the topic, you will see that the internet is ripe with saying, quotes, and affirmations all designed to help you get through it and make it out.

This post is actually quite surprising for me, since for years I operated under the cloak of cynicism. However, I am lucky enough to have someone in my life that has taught me a great number of lessons through example, by being an amazing human being who shows great resilience through adversity even though she probably doesn't think so...lol. You can learn a lot from people and their actions, just as you can learn a lot from the wise words of those that have traveled before us. For in us is an energy and a light that can only be extinquished by our own machinations. For in us is a soul to be nurtured through connection, understanding, determination, and love. We hold a lot of power to help one another just as we do to hurt. So a simple change in perspective could go a long way to climbing the hill that is our worries and planting our flag firmly to claim victory.

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