Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Splice of Life" The Indie Graduate that Could

I have to admit, I liked the idea of "Splice" much better when it seemed relegated to arthouse showings. Normally, I am not opposed to indie movies that get the star treatment, but with this type of nuanced movie, it seems to do little justice to the art of it all to position it as high consumption. Vincenzo Natali is not a director who would register on anyone's map, but if you are familiar with the "Cube" series, then you know his work is brilliant in that he is able to take very simple elements and make a very complex story out of it. "Splice" promises to maximize on this formula, but their is something about the whole "tentpole" treatment that is rubbing me the wrong way. Warner Brothers, who achieved a studio high and low with the "Matrix" series, hasn't released anything remotely memorable in the last few years and are struggling to make it back on the map in terms of studio superpowers. In a way, Warner Brothers acquiring "Splice" is charming in that they have plucked something that looked like it was doomed for obscurity and given it new life. Whatever the case though, I will be front and center on Friday as "Splice" is the movie I have been waiting to see all year. Full review to appear soon.

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