Friday, July 10, 2009

I Have So Many Questions

Youtube is another thing that can just disappear and die already because of BS like this. Youtube has gotten way too sophisticated in that now people can add visual affects to their fuckery. I dare you to watch this and not laugh....but while you are doing so I have a couple of questions.

1. Does Mothra live in the garage or something....either dude has a serious moth problem or got into a fight with a lawnmower or something. What's with all the holes.

2. Speaking of Garage, doesn't it look big enough for an F150 and an Escalade. This must not be California

3. Whose choreography is he dancing too cause it looks nothing like the video.

4. Are the shorts supposed to be red or fadded black or is that underwear.

5. I've often wondered how someone is supposed to dance to this track. Now I got my answer.

6. Doesn't this almost remind you of Chris would be even funnier if he did it....RIP.

7. Doesn't youtube have an effects limit.....ther's something like 5 featured in this video

8. Is he dancing or killing roaches.

9. What's up with the extended "Pound your thigh" move.

10. What's that shit piled up on the right side of the frame.

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