Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Greatest Love Of All: Happy Valentines Day

like many a celebrity battling demons...you often hear about their untimely demise in the context of a hoax. I would have to admit, when I first heard that Whitney Houston had passed my initial reaction was "is this a joke" and then, like everyone else, your heart kinda drops with the realization that one of the greats has been called home.

I would have to say that the death of Whitney Houston is shocking for several reasons. Not only, once again, do we have an "E True Hollywood Story" ending to one of the biggest and brightest stars that we will ever see, but it was so abrupt.....so "here one moment, gone the next" that you can't help but reflect on your own life and journey and just be thankful for the time you have on this earth to fulfill your destiny.

I very much believe all that i have heard about Whitney in interviews from some of her closest cohorts.....that she was like your favorite auntie....warm, inviting, loving...and full of life. She definitely was a star, unlike most celebrities we adorn today. Whitney's death is not only a signal of an enormous talent called back way too soon...but essentially the end of an era in music. I don't care who comes along or how good they can sing.....we will never see or hear another talent like Whitney in this lifetime and that is a hard pill to swallow.

I guess what i liked most about Whitney is that even though she was a diva....she was just like you and me and unfortunately "Being Bobby Brown" proved just how just like you and me she really was (whether good or bad). But that was essentially part of her charm. And the love she had for her family and those around her was very palpable. I just feel sorry for her daughter...because losing a parent...especially a parent you have such a strong bond with...is devastating....but God has got her in his care.

I will have to admit, that hearing about such a loss has made me even more grateful for those in my life whose love serves as a constant, daily inspiration. If you love someone, you should protect that at all cost because, like most all things in life, they can be here one moment and gone the next (either physically or figuratively). So on this valentines day and in memory of Whitney i would have to be cheesy and say yeah, "The Greatest Love of All is Easy to Achieve", but you have to love yourself number one in order to know what love is to give. Yeah, we face problems, have our demons, and get "caught up" with the best of them....but the love you have for yourself serves as a guide through the darkness and a reference point for those around you. The Greatest love of all should come from inside you, it should shine through you, and speak to the essence of you. Like most all things, its comes with great responsibility, and its power is transformative.

For love's sake, cherish every moment people and never take anything for granted. For "God giveth and God taketh away" and you never know when, in a lightening bolt moment, you could casually be waiting for the party.......never to arrive. Life is precious, life is beautiful.....and life at the end of the day is very fragile.......be thankful for it all....good and bad.....and life live with a higher purpose in mind. Tell those you love that you love them everyday....for Valentines is only but a blip on the map, an occasion to encapsulate the year long celebration. Happy Valentine's day folks.

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