Thursday, September 29, 2011

Taking the Time To Smile (You may think its silly article...but there is some real talk here)

It's amazing how Smiling (sincerely) can make you feel better. And Smiling often leads to laughing, which can create a sense of JOY, which results in a natural relief from stress. In fact, that IS a simple, effective Stress Relief formula - Smile More, and really mean it.

But what makes you Smile? What makes you Laugh?
What makes you feel JOY?

Even if you don’t know the answer to any of those questions, think about this for a minute - There's a lot of medical documentation today that confirms how smiling, laughing and feeling Joy definitely relieves stress, makes you healthier, and can help you live a longer, happier life.

For example, when you smile and laugh, the brain produces endorphins which are chemicals inside your body that (when released) help relieve physical and emotional stress, and thus, create a feeling of well-being. Since stress is attributed to a host of illnesses (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and many more), this "smiling often" stress-relief process can greatly enhance your health. But....that works ONLY if your Smile is real and comes from inside you, not just on the surface.

So, what does it take to make you Really Smile and feel some Joy?

A Real, Genuine Smile is an involuntary response. You can't fake a Real Smile that comes from inside you. A real smile is created by certain stimuli such as a genuinely happy thought, memory or sound, or from seeing something funny/inspiring or from touching something that makes you feel good. If such a stimulus affects you in a special way, that smile and sense of well-being happens automatically - and it Feels Good.

Have you ever noticed how incredibly easy it is for little kids to smile and laugh? It just naturally comes from the depths of their being. Little kids have hair triggers when it comes to smiling and laughing. And – Oh My God – we adults were once like that. Yes, we were! We smiled and laughed very easily and felt JOY, and had little or no stress in our lives. So, what happened? Why is growing up often the ticket to smiling Less, laughing Less, feeling little or no JOY in your life, and feeling More Stress?

Now, you may be an adult who finds that smiling, laughing and feeling Joyful is easy for you. And as a result, you may not feel very much stress in your life. If so, you are very blessed. Congratulations! But what about the many millions of people who don’t find it so easy to smile, laugh, and feel Joy, but instead, feel lots of stress? Well, the Question to them is:

Do you actually ALLOW yourself to Smile and feel Joy?

Are you so caught up with the In's and Out's, the trials and tribulations of your daily life, that you leave no room for Smiling and feeling Joy? To feel those things, you have to give yourself permisson to do so. Otherwise, you build a hard shell around you, and you become indifferent to the wonderful stimuli that usually create Smiles and Joy.

As mentioned, a true Smile is a triggered response that can be induced by such things as a pleasant thought, a yogic or meditative experience, hiking in nature, watching birds, kayaking, running, inspiring music or art, and quite a number of other things. And these things that make us smile will often lead to a feeling of sweet JOY, and be a great relief from Stress. Ahhhhh! . . .

But you have to Open yourself to that stimuli, and let yourself Feel it. Then, you will be able to experience Joy and understand The Importance of a Smile.

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