Over the past couple of weeks I have read several music criticisms of Ms. Caca and I would have to say that I disagree with them on a couple of points. For one, Lady Caca is immensely innovative. I mean, who else could take two old prosthetic legs and turn them into a pair of thigh high boots. The umbrella, the slight nod to the pan pacific, yes, Lady Gaga is indeed everything that is wrong with music today. But then, why do I like her so much.
Maybe its her "devil may care" attitude or the fact that in a stage were most artist are stagnant and robotic, she comes across as a burst of fresh air by way of a Clockwork Orange and meth. The truth of the matter is that she is an amalgamation or a matriculation (depending on how you look at it) of Madonna and Bjork and has brandished a page in the material girls playbook by being a cameloeon to the media. But I feel that once she has had fun rumaging through the aformentioned divas old touring closets that there won't be much allure to Ms. Gaga. I mean, her music is complete garbage...but to boot, its fun garbage. I can't say that I am a fan of her tunes, but then again, this is the masterwork behind her allure. She is outwright and in your face about being the premiere prefabricated, premanufactured artist cut from a high gloss magazine. In fact, I would be hard pressed to call Gaga "talented" for she is born out of the toxic wasteland that music has become over the past 10 years or so in which talent has been pushed to the side and then off the page for perception and Image.
To be apropos, there isn't an artist I can think of say in the past 10 years or so other than say Ashanti, who has been so shallow of a musical artist and completely gloated about their lack of talent. The fact that she is following in the footsteps of say Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston as being one of the few debut female artist to have back to back number ones is even funnier. Are peoples taste in music this fical or is the competition just that bad.
The thruth is that music in this day and age has become the afterthough with the artist becoming mere walking brand extentions. I mean, who really goes and buys music anymore....that concept died with the demise of the record store (I miss you Tower Records and Virgin Records). But don't get it twisted, I'm not condoning piracy (I mean I don't want to lose my newly self-appointed, completely unpaid post as a blogger). But that brings up an interesting point. Music is so disposable now that the average consumer finds no value in purchasing the cd case, and booklet of pretty pictures (the music on the disc is irrelevant). As I say that, I click on Imeem to check out "The Famewhore" or whatever its called in its entirety - its the first time I've heard this mess - and all I keep thinking is "who is this bullshit made for" and why would anyone ever buy it.
If you can believe it, Lady Caca was signed to Def jam records by LA Reid when she was 19 years old but was dropped from the label after three months. Then nine years later music executive Vincent Herbert signed her to Interscope to write for artist such as Fergie, The Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears, and New Kids on the Block before Akon got a hold of her and "The Famewhore" came to be. Judging by the roster, Caca was spreading her poison hard and fast long before she started sporting triangle dresses and soap bubble summer dresses. Man what the decade could have been without her.
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