Thursday, July 16, 2009

Speaking of Twitter - Where the Hell is TWEET!!!!

I would have to say that there isn't anyone in the game I am checking harder for than Tweet. Every since she stepped on the scene in 2002 becoming the "Southern Hummingbird" of the industry i have been a stan. Few artist exhibit such grace and charm and true execution of well as "grown woman swag" sexy....but damn...where the hell is Tweet. In 2008 she was rumored to release "Love Tweet" on umbrella records, even doing a brief promo stint and releasing a few singles that showcased her amazing vocals, but didn't much make an impact by way of mass consumerism. However, now this album has become urban folklore and Tweet is missing a golden opportunity to re-ignite her comeback.

I was mad when "Call me" became the official calling card of Verizon Wireless only because the commerical flagrantly took onus over the artist and her product branding the song as a gingle for Verizon even though it was her hit. However, times have changed and in the age of Twitter, Tweet is missing a golden opportunity for her own "follow me". Since its is so popular, she would have no problem aligning her persona with something that has already permeated into the pyche's of millions of social networkers. So essentially, she would be reaking the benefits of a brand that has extended itself into pop culture. Tweet and your people!!! GET IT TOGETHER - the industry is missy your contribution ma and we def need some true soul singers to step up to the plate and show these youngins how it use to be and needs to be done.

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