Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Couldn't Agree More: The Blunder in Remaking We Are The World

I was fully prepared to hate the 2010 update of “We Are The World” based solely on who I knew would be included. But as the premiere date drew near, I found myself at least attempting to put “the cause” above my dislike for some of the artists. My initial instinct was not only correct, it was far too generous. The new “We Are The World” is a piece of shit, and if their goal is to encourage people to give then I’d would donate any amount of money not to hear this shit again ever.

In the intro Jamie Foxx goes “Twenty-five years ago Quincy Jones gathered an amazing group of artists and musicians to create We Are The World.” Cut to today, and the updated recording includes a rap verse. Akon, Lil’ Wayne and T-Pain all have parts, in auto-tune of course. Fergie’s on it. Jamie Foxx does a Ray Charles impersonation. Justin Bieber kicks off the track. Wyclef screams multiple times! It’s terrible. Even Jennifer Hudson, Pink and Michael Jackson’s original vocals couldn’t dignify this trash.

And you know what? Fuck you if you’re on some “this is about Haiti” shit, because let me tell you something, just because it’s for a good cause or has a message or an honorable purpose and intent does NOT inoculate it from criticism. It is still a product and it will be appraised as such.

This is just another case of celebrity cheerleading. It’s disgusting, Haiti deserves better, and I’m glad Beyonce did the right thing by sitting this one out.

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