Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does Anyone Else Have a Problem With Wycleff Being Spokesperson for All of Haiti

So did you know that Wycleff was Haitian. Well that seems to be the only qualification, well that and he is probably the only recognizable Haitian star in America, for him speaking for an entire nation of people. Wycleff probably means well, but what really bothers me about his involvement is his suggestion that Haiti needs to be know...just disapropriate about 2 million people to god knows where exactly and put him in charge of the airports. You know, because the Haitian people will listen to him and if he says go, they will go. Its very strange to me that when we are speaking of specific demographics of the world who are hit by tragedy, the logic leads some nutsack to rise up and suggest relocating everyone. Which then leads to the corporatization of the land and the development of beachside resorts and developments that squeeze the locals out. Given the history of Haiti, this has to be the logic. But truthfully, when you are doing everything to help...logic also dictates that you don't go on Oprah to state your case......especially with so much media blitz already.

Wycleff, with your foundation undergoing investigation for misappropriating funds and your Tila Tequila -esque enthusiasm for being on camera...I mean spreading the word to the masses, I'm going to have to see you get down and dirty in the trenches a la Anderson Cooper Rescuing a Haitian boy from street mobsters in order to buy your sincerity.

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