Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Its Just The Internet!!! People Always Talk Smack on the Internet
Yo..people are Caraaaazeee and I need things to laugh at so I bring you this little tidbit from the ohh so classy world of world star hip hop. So the setup is that homie is a hip hop artist that was none too pleased with his "audience's" critiques of his music and thought to take matters into his own hands. The real magic starts when he goes to get a baseball bat out the car and the "requiem for a dream" music kicks in...heightened drama. Really people, is is that serious....ITS JUST THE INTERNET!!!
PS: This video is like the gift that keeps on giving.....I posted it before finishing the whole thing and dude got me when he said "Im not even this type of dude...normally Im real spiritual...lol.....LOL....I totally feel you bro!!!" And the music video at the end....this is brilliant...lol
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Woah Which Oneyall......Wants to Sing Like Trey Songz (Record Deal Not Included)
If you like R. Kelly Lite, then please forgive me, but here at Sanspiracy we believe in true talent and Trey just ain't it. If your sound is so easy to copy (as expressed in the above hilarious clip) then count your coins and invest wisely.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Why I Don't Want Daughters: Montana Fishburne Edition

All I have to say is that my heart breaks for Morpheus. But in situations like this, its ultimately results from some type of disparity between the father/daughter relationship. Why so many females have daddy issues is beyond me. But the sad reality is that sex seems to swallow some girls whole and their awakenings become dark and dank prisons that once the physical bars start to fade, the mental ones come into focus.
Montana Fishburne is only 19 years old, and i'm not sure if she sincerely believes this, but she looked to Kim Kardashian and Kendra (yep folks, the ramifications of our obsessions with fame and the "by any means necessary" route of achieving it is going to induce heavy and hard scars on society) as inspiration because their sex tapes took them to the fast track. Lets point out the obvious, of how stupid this all sounds coming from someone with the last name Fishburne. But what it really points out is a pandemic with girls that I feel no one is willing to address. Why do so many girls who know better find themselves either being pimp or who pimp themselves for a bit of attention or notoriety.
Putting the double standard to rest, I don't feel that girls should be any more or less sexually responsible than males. And a healthy sexual appetite is key through education. But there is something else going on with a number of females. It would be easy to point to abuse, to say that some type of physical or mental abuse is the catalyst for most young girls seeking some type of escape through their promiscuity. But I would like to think that all cases don't stem from the pandemic. And if that is the case, then the hard question to ask is why?? Why do so few people have enough self respect to see how damaging these actions can be in the long haul.
Are these girls brainwashed, do they just not know any better. I refuse to believe that. But for girls, its what they know all men want and once the mentality gets enacted, its just as easy for most girls to detach themselves from the actual act and see it as merely commerce. I forgot to mention that sad little girl lost Montana was also a prostitute. Cut off from daddy's money, she took to the street to make ends meet. But the difference here is that Montana comes from a world of influence that your average girl doesn't come from. So her decision has to be primal and her ambitions lost missiles that are miles and miles away from hitting its target.
Whats sad to me is how so many girls Identify themselves through sex. Its not just that the act can be transcending in some form. Its that their disillusioned ideas often compromise their integrity and safety resulting in actions that are physically and psychologically damaging. Its impossible for me to understand what moral code is missing in their psyche that allows for such free activity. What makes people give up their body with so much abandon, with so much trust, turning trick on film, a selfish act that will haunt all those that love her for eternity.
To be free is to know yourself. And know what you wont' tolerate and what you wont accept in your life, even if the world tells you its okay. I know we live in an era where its popular to see Rappers boo'ing up strippers. But the truth of the matter is that "You can't turn a ho into a housewife". Its just not possible. And no one has accomplished it. Ask Reggie Bush, for its Kim's past that got in the way of their future.
Not to say that people can't change or that their fates can't be altered by their determination. But people, WAKE THE FUCK UP. I'm so tired of the "little girl lost" phenomenon. Its like, life is too short for you to sit and twirl your hair and wine and cry about how your nail broke. Grow the fuck up and be a woman. Be a leader for yourself and for those who care about you that want you to achieve more. I'm not perfect, but I'll be damned if I don't stand up and be a man. For there are too many young men in my position who take the "little boy lost" stance and fail their homes and communities by skating through life on lies and half assed intentions.
But seriously, I can't have any daughters. Cause my greatest fear would be for them to get swallowed up in a world I feel like I can't protect them from. First of all, if I did have daughters, they would be able to kick any dudes ass cause they would be military trained and able to take care of themselves. I know not every girl falls into this category. But when you are constantly told that your worth is not the sum of your parts, but just your parts.....its easy to let the Koolaid give you a sugar high. God help us all.
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